Thursday 1 January 2015

New Years Resolutions (to do or not to do)...

This year my Facebook feed has been full of people saying New Year, New Me! This year it's all going to change... yada yada yada. Unfortunately I think I saw most of them saying exactly the same thing last year, so it's clearly working out well.
I considered trying to make my own new years resolutions, but I think I'm pretty much guaranteed to fail, so instead of saying New Year, New Me - I'm going to say New Year, Same Me but with a couple of tweaks. This sounds much less scary, and much easier for me to stick to in the long term!
So, what new things would I like to introduce to my life?
1) Loose some more weight

This is a continuation of last year, however when December arrived I started eating large amounts of Mince pies, and the weight loss plan went rather awry. I therefore need to get back on the bandwagon!
2) Be more organised with my blog posts

I have really enjoyed having time off work to come back to my blog and plan new posts! I definitely have let my disorganisation rule me, and I'm going to try and have more regular postings.
3) Sober January

So this isn't a whole year thing, but I decided that I should do Sober January as it would help with the weight loss and help me save some money! Also if you want to do sober January, sign up here:
4) Save more money

My boyfriend and I want to buy a house in 2016. This is very grown up and expensive, and means that I need to stop wasting all my money! *cry* However, it has inspired me to do a whole series on beauty on a budget! So keep an eye out for homemade facemasks, and budget vs luxury products!
Have you made any plans for 2015? If you have let me know, maybe we can all spur each other on!!
Lots of love
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